Production Blog: Film Techniques

The entire year in class, we have talked in class about filming techniques. . This is because there is a large emphasis being put on them. Because of the emphasis that I have been taught, I want to put a lot of thought into how I film this project. The first thing I need to do is make sure that I have the right camera angles. In the classroom and taught about the most common, and I have watched many film examples to show this. I have chosen a handful of filming techniques that I want to use. They might not be put in the final film, but they are the ones that I felt might be beneficial to add. The first is the eye-level shot. There is nothing fancy about it, but it is very common in films and because of that, I want to add it to ours. It is almost exclusively a close-up or medium close-up shot, meaning that it is taken from a relatively close distance, and leaves most of the emphasis on the actor. Because it is a relatively close shot, I want to use it in our film that will be shot...