
Showing posts from September, 2021


  On Thursday the 30th, I started filming with my group. All of the group's members were here, so no role changes were needed. After we got our pass, we headed out to the senior courtyard. Once we got there, we realized that it was too hot and too bright to film. The glare of the sun on the computer screen made it impossible to see. Like my planning blog stated, if we were unable to record outside, we would record in a classroom. No empty classrooms were available so we filmed in the media center. luckily, there was no more testing. In the film, I play the role of the teacher, Trevor plays the role of a student, and Ayden plays the role of a helpful student who introduces the product. Depending on who was in the scene, Ayden and I would take turns filming and operating the camera. Before filming, we made sure that the area was clear of anything that would not be seen in a classroom. The props that we included were a test with a failing grade, and one with a good grade. We also used...


My group is doing an ABCmouse commercial. In these commercials, the audience usually sees children learning on their computers through fun interactive lessons.  The children in the commercials wear normal clothes. Props include computers, teddy bears/other children's toys.  The appearance of the actors/students & parents are happy and excited representing the joy that brings to learning. The score through the commercial is upbeat instrumental music. The ads used eye level, over the shoulder and close-up shots.  The ads use lots of animations.   The ads also have many bright colors and cute animated characters to be appealing to look at.  The ads show the price and use words like "only" to show how inexpensive it is  1. The conventions and codes in are popping colors, fonts, and characters. The mouse logo is also symbolically placed in the ad.  2. Shots in the commercial either are angled to show the site on the computer scr...

Storyboard Blog

First shot: in this opening shot, we use a close-up shot from a high angle focused on the failed test.  The test is held in Trevor's hands, even though it may not be obvious.  Second shot: We cut to a medium-long shot of Trevor's upper body, the lower covered by the desk. You can see the emotion on his face. He is clearly distraught from the grade he received.  Third shot: still in the same camera position Trevor lowers his head to the table showing his sadness. Fourth shot: A fellow student walks behind Trevor and taps his shoulder. He askes Trevor if he needs any help. this is still taken from a medium camera length. Fifth shot: Trevor lifts his head and turns his neck to face the other student. He hand him a computer with displayed. He suggests that he should use it.      Sixth shot: The camera cuts to an extreme close-up of a computer display screen showcasing Abc Mouse. There is a voice-over of the student explaining how ABC mouse helped h...

Planning Blog

  Props: because my group and I decided to make an commercial, we will need a phone with the website on it as our main prop, along with a test with a bad grade on it, a test with a good grade on it, a pencil, and some glasses. Because our commercial has a dialogue between students and a teacher, we will all need to dress accordingly. Denton being the teacher will wear a button-down, Ayden will wear a T-shirt as well as Trevor. Denton will wear glasses and a fake mustache for his representation of a teacher, and Ayden and Trevor will dress normally. Schedule: 9/22/21 storyboard 9/24/21 film 9/28/21 edit Location list: The main setting of our commercial is the classroom seeing as the commercial deals with tests and teacher-student interactions. We will also film one shot in the hallway when the two students interact. Back up plan: because all of our scenes will either be shot inside or in a covered area, we do not need to worry about getting rained on. Because the noise ...

My Group Blog

  I would like to do my media studies commercial in a group. Throughout my school years, I have (and still am) unsure whether to work in a group. I often find it is easier to work by yourself because you have full control over all the components of the project. You do not have to rely on other people, and you will not be dragged down if they forget their work. I do not believe there ever has or ever will be a clear winner in this argument because there are benefits to each side. Once again, I put my trust in the abilities of my group mates. I would like to partner with Trevor and Ayden because I believe it will make creating a commercial easier. For a large-scale example, notice how at the end of every movie, there is an incredibly long list of people. Even though it is possible to brainstorm, storyboard, film, edit, reshoot, etc. by one's self, it is much easier to work in a group. When it comes to projects, I am like a cannon. I require assistance getting pointed in the right dir...

About Myself Blog

Hi, my name is Denton and I am in 10th grade. I am currently 15 years old and I enjoy basketball, sailing, and traveling. I am a fan of the Los Angeles Clippers, but my favorite team is the Miami Heat. My favorite places that I’ve traveled to are Canada, Mexico, California, and Maine. My favorite subjects are art and history. I enjoy almost any activity that has to do with the ocean. Sailing, swimming, surfing, and diving are my favorites. Ironically, the ocean is the scariest thing I can think of. All the unexplored and unknown as well as what we do know about the ocean makes it the most other-worldly place I have ever been. But enough of my frightened view of the world around us, why did I pick AICE Media Studies? First and foremost, I chose this class to get my AICE diploma. Both of my parents went to the University of Florida so as you could imagine, growing up in a Gator household has me set on one specific school. Even though it is extremely unlikely that I get in because of my g...