

On Thursday the 30th, I started filming with my group. All of the group's members were here, so no role changes were needed. After we got our pass, we headed out to the senior courtyard. Once we got there, we realized that it was too hot and too bright to film. The glare of the sun on the computer screen made it impossible to see. Like my planning blog stated, if we were unable to record outside, we would record in a classroom. No empty classrooms were available so we filmed in the media center. luckily, there was no more testing. In the film, I play the role of the teacher, Trevor plays the role of a student, and Ayden plays the role of a helpful student who introduces the product. Depending on who was in the scene, Ayden and I would take turns filming and operating the camera. Before filming, we made sure that the area was clear of anything that would not be seen in a classroom. The props that we included were a test with a failing grade, and one with a good grade. We also used my computer to show the product on the screen and I borrowed Trevor‘s glasses in an attempt to change my appearance more to look like a teacher. I also wore a button-down shirt to look more like a teacher. We did not use a tripod or any stabilization device and recorded all of our scenes by hand. Once we had finished filming all of our scenes, we had to find music. I was able to play music off of YouTube from my phone while Ayden recorded the noise from his phone. The media center was quiet and the plan went off without a hitch. Ayden then began his role as the editor of the commercial. He cut out, muted, and inserted music into different places in the film. He use different types of transitions and spent a good amount of time working on them. In total, we spent around an hour filming and editing. 


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