Filming blog

 The song we are doing is "Pursuit of Happiness" by Kid Cudi. The song is about a man who is searching for happiness and taking different approaches to do so. We wanted to embody this by representing the song with our video. The video starts off with the main character (Trevor) breaking up with his girlfriend (Sydni). She then runs out the door. Trevor is then driving in his car. He is sad. He thinks of the times that he was with her. He remembers them talking. He also remembers when they went to a football game. He gets out of the car and starts running. He runs until he is tired. He looks up. And when he sees Sydni, they run to each other. They hold hands, and the video ends. These are the scenes that we filmed. We had to record the scenes multiple times. They messed up sometimes. They laughed and broke character sometimes. Hopefully, we can fix it during editing.


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