Editing 2


Today in class, we finished editing our commercial. The commercial is about
abcmouse.com. We knew that we wanted to edit it to make it look like a real commercial. We watched real ABC mouse commercials and took notes of how they were edited. We then tried to replicate that in ours. We noticed that they used multiple camera angles. They used high shots, close-ups, and eye-level shots. When editing, we used clips that had different shots in them. We also paid attention to the music and sound effects. In our commercial, we attempt to use these sound effects and music to achieve the same goal. We noticed that they used voice overs in the commercial. We are considering doing the same. Ayden recorded one video with the voice over, and one with music playing. When editing, we use the small details to try and get closer to the real ad while giving our own spin on it. We trying to make our commercial appealing to children and adults alike. As a group, we had to go through and look at the clips that composed our commercial. In total, we had to take off 10 seconds worth of time. In the commercial was mainly edited by Ayden. Trevor gave his input on which scenes to take out. And I helped work sound choices.


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